Monday, February 22, 2010


For my bliss time I slept. Yup, just slept. As a disabled vet in pain 24/7, sleep often evades me. This is such a frustrating thing, it is really hard to explain to someone who doesn't or hasn't experienced it. It is also VERY difficult to be creative when you're constantly sleep deprived and cranky.

Just for a little background, because of my job overseas (convoy commander), my body was innundated with stressors that the human body is not meant to withstand. Not only did I bounce down crater-filled roads every other day in a vehicle whose suspension was already maxed out by the up-armor, I also had a few "oh shit" moments out there that threw me around a little.

Here's the formula: 70+ pounds of gear on my upper body + crater filled roads + big booms + bad suspension = bad back now.

I had spinal fusion for my neck (C6-C7) last year and I have 3 more herniations in my lower back that haven't been touched surgically yet. This is why sleep does not always come easily. When I do have an opportunity to sleep, I do it. When I wake up I can get soooo much done. I can think clearly and my creative juices are flowing, since my right brain had a chance to take the reins for an extended amount of time.

After I slept, I did my PT exercises and worked on some other school projects that needed to be done.

The rule I'm breaking... never miss a deadline. I'm missing it now for the breaking the rule portion of the assignment.

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